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Soundreaming by Jacek and Ewa Doroszenko is an interactive Internet presentation, that takes the form of an audio-visual archive of locations around Barcelona. This website documents our site-specific compositions and sound impressions.

When traveling, most people take photographs and use them to communicate a sense of what the experience of being in that place might have been like. However, the acoustic environment can provide a tremendous amount of the sense of place and feeling of a location in a different way than photographs. In our artistic practice soundscapes replace photographs. Recording the dreams and both natural and human designed sounds during the expedition, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko created sound compositions derived from this material. Sound installations are complemented with a unique electronic audio composition, mixed with sounds recorded in Barcelona and lo-fi music.


The project has been produced as a part of art residency program at Hangar Centre for Art Research and Production in Barcelona, Spain.

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